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The crumb coat blog

How to Make Sugar Flowers: Gum Paste Rose Tutorial


Sugar Flower Roses Made of Gum Paste Samantha Mayfair Cakes
Handmade Sugar Roses

As a pastry chef who specializes in weddings and wedding cakes, I knew I would need something to help me stand out from the crowd. In culinary school we had briefly touched on gum paste and pulled sugar flowers, and I always thought it was just so cool. I wish I could find a more eloquent way to describe it, but that's all I got--I was just amazed.

As time went by I became more and more interested in the artistry of sugar flowers, so I started to teach myself more about them, in the hopes that I could shine enough to use them as a sales tool to book more wedding clients, as a lot of other successful cake artists like Maggie Austin and Jacqueline Butler had done.

Hours and days and weeks and months and years (no exaggeration) of Youtube videos, instructional books, Bluprint videos with sugar flower experts, plant books and a TON of practice later, and I have finally developed a technique and style all my own. It's been challenging but super rewarding and I love that I think I'm good enough now to share my own methods with all of you. **pats self on the back** **toots own horn** **humble brag** **etc.**

Now, sugar flowers are my favorite thing to do in the kitchen. My competitive nature also pushes me to strive for flowers that are as botanically correct as possible because, I have to tell you, it is SUPER gratifying when people don't realize my work is handmade, entirely out of sugar. (see back patting and horn tooting from above).

Since these are my passion, I thought I would start sharing some sugar flower tutorials. I realize these aren't for everybody; not all of you are going to run out to buy a bazillion different tools to get started on cranking out your own sugar flowers. But if nothing else I hope it's entertaining. I hope it's a cool thing for you to kick back and watch. And I hope you look forward to seeing more because I've got quite a few of these in the pipeline. Sorry, not sorry.

So let's kick things off with one of my favorites, the classic, the OG of sugar flowers: the rose.

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